
来源:互联网 | 2023-06-13 18:11:37 |


1、One day, a monkey was riding a bike by the river. This time he saw a lion under the tree. The lion ran towards him. He was afraid and fell into the river. He can"t swim. He shouted. The rabbit heard his voice. He jumped into the river. The rabbit swam to the monkey, but he couldn"t help him. Fortunately, an elephant appeared. He is very strong. He helps rabbits and monkeys. Three friends are very happy. They went to the elephant"s home. Then, the three of them became good friends.



4、The old man and the old cat An old man had a cat. This cat is also very old. He runs very fast. His teeth are bad. One night, the old cat saw a little mouse. He caught it, but he couldn"t eat it because his teeth were not strong enough. The mouse ran away. The old man was very angry. He hit his cat. He said, "You are a stupid cat. I will punish you! " The cat is sad. He thought, "When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don"t like me because I"m too old to work. You should know that you are old, too. "



